
The Flu, Day 12: A Practical Survival Guide

There isn't anything quite like the flu to totally wipe out a creative mind. Over the past 12 days (TWELVE DAYS) I've been battling one nasty flu. My mind is mush, my email inbox is overflowing, and I have "I hate to this but I'm going to have to cancel" on speed dial.

*slaps forehead with clammy hand*

As much as it pains me to just sit still and do nothing.... N-O-T-H-I-N-G
I don't have much choice in the matter.

Below is how I've survived, may it guide you when/if you need it:

1. Binge watch "The Crown": This show takes you from quiet British people talking about something that's probably boring - to - Oh my God, I know Queen Elizabeth was sort of a B, but did she really have much choice in that matter? Oh, yes and Winston. Ha! Don't even get me started. What a feisty old chap. 

Just beware: Binge Watching + Not going outside all day = Loss of personal identity
Like, who am I? Am I the Queen? No.... but she is my only friend... Where am I? What year is it?

2. Just sort of lie there:

I don't know why, it just seems like a requirement.
If you feel inclined to cry or just make pitiful sounds like "Uhhhhh", "gahhh", "eck uck ahhhhh" this is the appropriate time.

3. Drink Dayquil and NyQuil:

I'm not a doctor, but the serving sizes on these things seems to get a bit blurred after day like... 5 or 7.

If two tablespoons hasn't done the trick yet, maybe I'll just take a gulp(s) and see what happens? I certainly couldn't feel worse

4. Text your friends Endlessly:

You may start to miss the real world, and it's important to stay up on current events so as to not start eating your own hair and giving up on the hope of ever being well again.

Here are a few prompts to get you started:

To your friend in the mad love affair: "Hey you! How are you? How's the guy? Did you like, DO STUFF? Picture?????"

To your friend who went back to school to make something of her life: "Hey you! How's class? JK. Tell me college gossip."

To your friend who hates to text: "HEY! Long time no talk, WHAT IS NEW? TELL ME EVERYTHING."

To your parents: *Sad face emojis, tears, and a panda*

That's all I have for now, as the flu clouds are returning to my head and clogging up my mind.

Just a few final suggestions:
  • Make sure the camera on your phone is NOT in selfie mode. A bad angle of oneself with the flu, is not helpful.
  • Go outside. Even if it's just for a moment to squint and think "too bright, too cold, BYE FELICIA."
  • Take a bath. You need it.
  • Be nice to yourself. You need that the most. 

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