
Your Bedroom is meant for Two Things: Here's how to Feng some Shui into it

News Alert: Your Bedroom is for two things and two things only.



Nuh nuh-

Don't interrupt me.


1. Sleeping


That's it.



Nuh- Yes, I know you're on your laptop/tablet/phone in bed right now reading this... uh huh.. yeah... no... that's not one of the two things... yes.... no.. nope. 

A Couple Notes on Feng Shui:

If you aren't familiar with Feng Shui, and even just the thought of that phrase elicits sounds of ringing bells and wizards flying around, I get it. But that just means that you haven't yet been exposed to the beauty of Feng Shui (as bell-ringy-y as that sounds). So instead of giving you the full run down, I want to simply focus on one of the main ideologies of Feng Shui; and that is that every room, should have a purpose, and every thing, should have a place.

When we look at our bedroom, a place where we should be sleeping and DOING THE OTHER THING, I must ask, why are we bringing our work in there? Our laptops are not sexy, nor do they help us sleep so that's a problem.

Our minds are extremely responsive to patterns, so it's important  we pay attention to the connections we are creating on a day-to-day basis. For Example: Do you ever feel suddenly hungry, the moment you enter a kitchen? That's because you know that's where the food is and that's where you (generally) eat. So when you go into the bedroom, you want your mind to have a similar response by either kicking into rest mode, or kicking into no-pants-party mode. You do not want to be cross contaminating that space with your work, or any of the following:
  • food/eating
  • watching tv
  • making crafts/projects
  • exercising
  • Kids.....
I'm not going to say much on the last note, since I don't have children and can only imagine the immense responsibility. But I will stick my neck out enough to say this: if there is anything you can do to mitigate the amount of parenting/kids/craziness in your bedroom, you and your partner will feel results in a very positive way.

How to Feng that Shui into your Bedroom:
  •  Take down photos of friends and family. I know this sounds kind of harsh but... you don't want them at the pants-free party for two. Maybe you think "but Lauren, it's just a photo!" and to you I say "Do you want to look at those faces when you're -"
  • Paint and decorate the room in soft colors. Pretty much any color is available with light pigmentation, from white to grey and the whole rainbow in between, you can find something gentle that will fit your decor.

  • Soft Lighting. Lamps with dimmers are ideal, they offer a bright enough light to read by (which is totally still allowed by the way, because Reading = Sleepy) and soft enough light to set the mood once in a while (or like, all the time, whatever you're into). If you don't have a dimmer, just get something with a soft shade and be picky with the bulbs you select. For extra credit, throw a few candles in the mix.

  • Select Art Carefully. Pick pieces that provoke happiness and a sense of calm.Don't make it too complicated when you go hunting for art; just look at the piece and ask yourself "how does this make me feel?" If happiness and calm crop up, ta-da! That's right for your bedroom.

  • The Bed should be accessible from both sides, with a bedside table on either end. Simple enough, your bed should be easy to get into; and each side needs a spot for books, water, candles, etc. 


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