
Don't Be Afraid: Pantone color of the year (18-3838 Ultra Violet)

So many people are afraid of color.


Of color!

Like... listen. If it doesn't have 8 legs and surprise you in the shower, there's nothing to be afraid of, I promise.

So let's get over our fears and dive right in. Case in Point: Pantone's 18-3838 Ultra Violet. This color is fun, with a capital F-U-N. This color wants to put you in your platform heels, pre-funk with a bottle of champagne, and dance downtown until your heels break off. In the morning, you and Ultra Violet will giggle over croissants and mimosas as you ponder over how you wound up sleeping with a wig on, and further ponder where said wig came from in the first place..

Um. FUN.

Now I realize, this isn't everyone's cup of tea and maybe you're like "I love champagne, Lauren, but I don't want to wake up in a strange wig."

and to you I say, "Ok, Baby Steps."

1. Wallpaper: This is a great option if you've been thinking about adding a POP in your home. A smaller space, like the above powder room, is a perfect choice. Other great options could be a closet, hallway, or girls room.

2. Painted Door: We are all familiar with white, grey, or black doors, and have even grown accustomed to red as a pretty regular player; so why not another color? Why not Ultra Violet?

3. Flowers: YOU CAN DO THIS. Even if you're so scared of color that you're like "I don't like Champagne or heels or dancing and I'm allergic to croissants!" You can still, do.. this. 


4......You thought about it: You like champagne, your diet mainly consists of croissants, and if you don't wear your new pair of platform heels, you may just die. So dive in! Paint the walls, paint the trim, and throw in a purple sofa while you're at it. 

Design is supposed to be fun, and paint can be changed. So live a little.  


DIY: Sprucing up Displays for Spring (or any time of year, really)

Most of us have at least one spot in our home where we display mementos: photos in frames, candles, plants, and any other combination of items that are not only decorative, but meaningful. While these spots are special, and can hold some of our sweetest memories, they tend to catch a lot of dust and frankly... get a bit dull.

When we look at the same thing every day, we tend to stop seeing it.

So while you're getting into your Spring Cleaning this season, consider switching things up a bit. You never know what "new" memories you may dig up. It not only freshens things up, but can subtly change how you feel in your home.

Below is a step by step guide for updating your displays:

Step 1: Pick the Location

The Antique Dresser in my living room was a perfect start.

Step 2: Take Everything down

 Dear Things, I'm sorry I put you on the floor.

Step 3: Clean

 You know it's dirty. Just clean it.

Step 4: Comb through your photos and frames
Decide which photos are ready to retire and which ones are non-negotiable.
Step 5: Design Trick

Got a big ol' frame worth updating?

Select a fun piece of paper (or wrapping paper)
...cut to fit...
Ta-Da! You got yourself a new backdrop.
Step 6: Scent
 Do your scented candles match the season? 
(or, better question, do you have anything scented, up there?)
Our sense of smell is strongly linked to Memory, so it's worth "remembering" when you're combing through mementos.
(see what I did there)
Wanna be lazy?: Just change out your Scentsy, like I do. 
With the flip of a switch, I'm in a field of Lavender.

Step 7: Put it all back and Play around, and around, and....around

 Just pile that s*** up there

And do this...

 Or this...

 Maybe this?

Uh.... this???

Flip it and flop it around until you get the warm and fuzzies inside. 
You'll know when you're done, 
and if you don't....
 just wait for someone to come over and say
"something's different... what's different? ... Do I smell Lavender?" 
THEN, you know you're done. 



Design Rule #237: Every home deserves fresh-cut flowers

Every week, I pick up fresh-cut flowers for my home:

It's a treat to me, picking out the right bouquet(s), and placing them in vases around my space. There is something so enlivening about about the marriage of a beautiful object and the nurturing of this actual, living design element - that brings a home to life. 

With clients, a project feels incomplete until we get a vase of something fresh on the table, and I encourage everyone to keep up with the flowers, long after their design is complete.

Trader Joe's is where I usually pick up flowers; they're inexpensive, convenient, and have a great selection. But you don't have to copy me, you may have a great grocer near you, or heck, maybe even a nice garden near you! And of course, there is always Saturday Market. I work most Saturdays and always seem to miss it, but if you have the time, their selection is always to-die-for. Plus you're supporting local growers (double bonus!)

Other places I like to shop for flowers in Portland: New Seasons, Zupans, and (my favorite florist in town) Sammy's.

*Once you get your flowers home, trim the stems at a 45 degree angle, and place in room temp or slightly cool water. 

*Be sure to change out the water every couple of days, in order to get the best life out of your blooms.

If flowers aren't your thing, but you'd like to add some warmth, check out this blog on scent from a few months back. Or if houseplants are more your thing, click here.