
My Nutrition Guru and a Health Journey Begins

Figuring out what "Eating Right" really means, is a absolute disaster. From misinformed MDs, to family members that want to fill us with comfort food, and a whole slew of marketing flying at us online, on tv, in magazines, on billboards, literally ev-er-y-where, it's no wonder we are so, hopelessly, lost.

For those of you who don't know, I'm something of a health junkie and I have spent a solid 10+ years reading, watching, and listening, to a wide array of theories, beliefs, and studies, based on diet. I have also done my own testing in the kitchen, and in my gut, to find what feels right (right, for me anyway... and I will go so far as to say that these theories are at least partly right, for you too).

Kimberly Snyder is a nutritionist in LA who came out with her first book The Beauty Detox Solution, in 2011. I initially purchased the book because I was interested in her Green Smoothie recipe. At the time I was just beginning to experiment with smoothies and was still in the camp of thinking that putting spinach in a smoothie, was reserved for only the most extreme health food junkies. So much so, that after purchasing her book, it still took me months to make the GGS (Glowing Green Smoothie) as I had to build up the nerve to try something so "strange" and "probably gross."

As you can tell, I eventually did try the GGS and I have #noregrets.

Today however, I still struggle with change in my diet, as the thought of an unknown recipe still stirs up the "strange" and "possibly gross" feeling, inside me.

On top of trying new meals overall, there are a number of unfamiliar ingredients that intimidate me. Either I'm worried about what they will taste like, or I'm worried I'll use them incorrectly, or I simply don't want to "waste" money on something I may not like or use. And those few thoughts, have held me back, for, dare I say, years. Yes, actual years.

And then today, I thought, I should just make all her recipes, from Beauty Detox Solution
Buy each ingredient and create each dish, each smoothie, each dressing and in the end, I can only benefit.

Think Julie & Julia, but with a very healthy twist.

My reviews will be honest, probably comedic, and may benefit your health, as I know they will benefit mine.

I will rate each recipe on taste, ease, and exactly how it makes my body feel.

The Glowing Green Smoothie is up first, I hope you'll join me!

And if you want to learn more about Kimberly Snyder, click here to visit her website, Solluna.

Xxo, L

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