
Project Corazon

I've been thinking a lot about everything that's going on in our world right now. What I stand for, what I believe in, where I feel the need to enter my voice. And then I asked myself, when I look back on this time, when I have kids, and they ask me "what did you do?" and even worse "why didn't you do ____?" After asking myself, I knew that the answer: the thing that I can't look back on, knowing I did not help, is the immigration camps at our US borders. It's still going on, full force, and the conditions are horrific. Let alone the simple fact that these families are being ripped apart for an unknown amount of time. It breaks my heart, as I know it breaks many others. Today I did some research on how I can help, and I found an incredible place to donate. It's called Project Corazon, and they have been sending volunteer lawyers and law students to the front lines of the humanitarian crisis, caused by inhumane immigration policies, since 2018. A donation to them goes directly to the fees it costs to get these lawyers down there, to do the fighting for us.

My number one cause may not be your number one cause, but if it is, please donate. And if it isn't, I encourage you to ask yourself, what it is that you can't live with NOT having done during this time in soon-to-be-history.

Donating isn't the only way, and this isn't the only thing I plan to do. But it's what I did today, and I wanted to put my heart out there, to the universe, and hope that I may help someone else, do the right thing (whatever that right thing is for you).

To Donate to Project Corazon Click Here.

Image Via CNBC
"A Honduran migrant recently released from federal detention boards a bus while carrying his two-year-old daughter at a bus depot on June 11, 2019, in McAllen, Texas."

Wishing you good great health,


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